In 2025, SEO remains the primary tool for attracting traffic and increasing conversions. However, approaches are changing: now it's not just about reach, but also about building a trusted brand.
Find out more info in the article.
PWAs (Progressive Web Apps) have become widespread in traffic arbitrage and have become one of the most profitable tools for working with audiences. In a previous article, we have already talked about what PWAs are, how these apps work and what their advantages are. In this article, we will focus on the perspectives of PWA technology in traffic arbitrage and give recommendations on how to implement the tool into marketing strategies.
In modern traffic arbitrage, the winner is the one who provides the best user experience for their target audience. The main tool in this case is traditionally considered to be mobile applications, the creation and support of which requires a lot of money and time. However, there is a cheaper alternative - progressive web apps (PWAs). Using them, webmasters can provide a positive experience to potential customers, as well as reduce marketing expenses. In this article, we'll explain what PWA apps are and how to implement them into your traffic attraction strategy.
How can you make your marketing strategies and communications with your target audience more effective? Tracking and using trends in marketing is one of the best ways to strengthen your traffic campaign in any vertical, particularly in binary options. In our article about seasonal marketing, we touched the topic of trends as part of seasonal activity. This time, we'll break down in more detail how to analyze and adapt trends in marketing, content, and trading to fit the objectives of your marketing strategies.
Short vertical videos have won over the internet audience and can now be found on almost all social networks. The first was TikTok, but today YouTube Shorts, where they recently added the ability to stream, looks more perspective. In this article, let's understand why it is worth using streaming in Shorts and how to do it.